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你可以随时提交申请, but preferably at least 6 months before: (1) attaining the age of 55, 或者(2)你计划领取养老金的月份. Applying late can delay your effective date and cause you to lose money.

Filing an application for a pension benefit will not affect your employment. Your pension will not begin until you notify your employer that you are ready to retire. 在你退休后,你的退休金被批准后, the Funds will send the employer a copy of your approval letter to notify them of your potential eligibility for retiree health benefits.

It depends on how difficult it is to gather all the information needed to establish your full employment history. If the Funds needs to request an earnings statement from Social Security, 这可能需要60到90天. Processing staff will work with you to gather all the information needed. The more information you submit with your application, the quicker it can be processed. See the Pension application checklist inside the cover of the application for a list of essential documents. 在你收到最后的退休文件后, it generally takes about two to three weeks to receive your first check, 取决于皇冠搏彩中心网站正在处理的申请数量.

If any of your employment or personal/family information has changed since completing a previous pension or benefit statement application, or if you are filing for a disability pension you should complete another application so we will have current information.

If you only completed a blue form to request a Pre-76 statement several years ago, you must complete a pension application before pension payments can begin. The effective date of your pension may depend, in part, on the date we receive your application.

Generally, 健康福利由您的上一个签约雇主提供, 你必须和他们联系你的健康卡. The Funds will send your employer a copy of your pension approval letter.

Health benefits eligibility for pensioners depends on your pension type. Pensioners who receive a Deferred Vested pension with less than 20 years of service and Pensioners who use non-classified (salaried) service to qualify for a pension are not eligible for health benefits. If you are under age 55 and receive a Special Permanent Layoff pension or a 30 and Out pension, 你要到55岁才有资格.

If your last signatory employer was determined to be no longer in business and financially unable to provide health benefits, 你可以申请从皇冠搏彩中心网站获得利益.

注:6月30日, 1985, the UMWA Construction Workers Pension Plan was spun off from the 1974年退休金计划.

如果你在6月30日之前在煤矿建设公司工作, 1985, all your service prior to that date is assigned to the Construction Plan, and you will need to contact the Construction Workers’ Pension Plan Administrator, HealthSmart, 电话(800)624-8605. 来申请你的退休金. If you subsequently worked in a classified job for a signatory coal employer, 你也应该向皇冠搏彩中心网站申请退休金.

The Health Plan

141 Summers St.

如果你在6月30日之前在一家煤炭公司工作, 1985, all your service prior to that date is assigned to the 1974 Pension Plan, 你应该向皇冠搏彩中心网站提交你的退休金申请.

如果你对分配给你的计划不确定, 您可致电(800)291-1425与皇冠搏彩中心网站呼叫中心联系.

The 1974 Pension Plan requires that pension payments be suspended for any month in which a Pensioner is subsequently employed in the bituminous coal industry, regardless of whether the job is a classified job or for a signatory employer. If you are unsure whether a particular job is considered “coal industry employment,” you should contact the Funds’ Call Center and provide as much information as possible , 包括公司名称, 对雇主业务的描述, 还有一份工作描述供审查, You should contact the Funds’ Call Center before returning to work to avoid any overpayment.


10年的签约服务, 如果你最后一次工作是在1993年12月16日之后,那么你的签字服务年限为5年, 领取正常退休金(须遵守服务规定), or 7/1/99, 领取递延既得退休金


10年的签约服务, 包括70年12月31日之后的至少3年, 或者20年的信用服务, 包括至少5-10年的签约服务.

各州的失业补偿法律有所不同. You will need to contact the Administrator of your State Unemployment Benefits Program to verify your eligibility to collect Unemployment Benefits while receiving your Pension.

Yes. EFT(直接存款)表格是您养老金申请的一部分. This is the preferred, most secure and convenient way to receive your pension payment.

You can request a pension estimate at any time by contacting the Funds’ Call Center at (800) 291-1425.

Your surviving spouse may receive a Surviving Spouse pension if you are eligible for a Disability, Normal, Age 55, 或者30美元外加你死时的养老金, or if at your death you are at least 55 and eligible for a pension based on 20 or more years of credited service.

你在世的配偶可能有资格获得联合财产 & Survivor Annuity if you are over 55 at the time of death and had ceased working in the coal industry before age 55 with less than 20 years of service.

Alternatively, your spouse may qualify for a Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity if you had not applied, were not yet 55, 但在你死的时候,你已经完全获得了养老金.

Your eligible surviving spouse is the spouse you were married to for at least nine months before the earlier of your annuity starting date or death. A Qualified Domestic Relations Order can make an ex-spouse an eligible surviving spouse in some instances.